GessouyaAppearance and Personality:Rashomaru towers over most his age, standing at a staggering six feet and four inches. His long black hair is kept neatly tied to keep out of his way and his eyes are a golden amber. His usual attire includes his kimono and a set of lacquered armor that is only worn when traveling away from home. When working with his parents a light kimono and sandals are what he wears. His sudden growth in adolescence has made him reserved and more quiet than his former cheerful self. Like his father he is straightforward and honest, though much more gentler thanks to his mother.
His kindness and physical strength makes him the one who handles most of the heavier tasks and he hardly complains. Perhaps it is due to his good nature that he is more likely to yield in the face of confrontation. As he is still young, he shows respect and a little too much politeness towards his elders. His speech comes off as being very formal out of this habit.
History:Born as the first child of his parents, Rashomaru had a fairly normal childhood. He was an obedient and cheerful child and due to his kind personality it was easy for him to make friends. When he was six, the family welcomed an orphan who had just lost his family as their own. Rashomaru did his very best to be a good older brother and the two boys became as close as true blood siblings. When he was ten, his parents allowed him to take sword lessons at the local monastery where he met a boy with hair white as snow. However, things changed in his twelfth year. As a result of his mother's blood, his eyes turned a golden yellow and he began to grow rapidly taller with each passing year. Unable to hide his eyes, most of his childhood friends began to keep their distance. Eventually his friend at the monastery went back home, leaving Rashomaru with only two others who didn't shun him: his younger brother and a girl named Nui.
When he reached his sixteenth year, his family traveled to Kujishoku where he underwent a coming-of-age ceremony at the ancestral grounds of his mother's clan. At the end of the rite, he was gifted a great sword especially designed for him. When he laid eyes on the unsheathed blade, he named it 'Arahabaki'–after a legendary saint revered by his mother's people. Afterwards they returned home where he continued to assist his parents with running the family restaurant.
Relationships:Clothing and Equipment:He carries around a six and a half foot odachi named Arahabaki as his primary weapon. Much larger than the standard katana, odachi are typically considered ceremonial weapons. However due to his strength he can wield it single-handed with ease. This blade was granted in a coming of age ceremony where Rashomaru gave the sword its name.
Talents and Abilities:Rashomaru's most obvious abilities are his great physical strength and endurance due to his oni heritage. Heavy weapons that are typically used two-handed can be used with only one when put in his hands. His primary weapon focus lies in longswords and greatswords as regular blades are extremely light for him. His strength gives him an advantage in handling weapons with a long reach such as polearms, though he as not as proficient with them than he is with his odachi.
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