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Sawyer Judasson
Monster Trainer
The real Sawyer
Aug 14, 2000

I do art, play Pokemon, and love my wife. 3DS Friend Code is 4785-5917-1961, Discord is Wilfre#8963. Feel free to stop by!

All About Sawyer Judasson

Character Name: Sawyer Judasson

Age: Twenty-two

Height: 5'8" / 1.67m

Weight: 133.5lbs / 60.6kg

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Physical Appearance:

Sawyer is of average height and build, though she has been described as mousey. She is very slim and her hair is a color that invokes imagery of a pale shade of brown, which is to say, her hair is blonde. Her eyes are the color of ground cherries, and her skin is a deep shade of bronze, with obvious tan lines along her upper arms and thighs. Additionally, her hands are covered in dark ink stains.

Wherever she goes, she always arrives overprepared. She somehow manages to heft a huge backpack around everywhere she goes, full of all sorts of travel necessities. She has belts and pouches and pockets full of all sorts of odds, and also a lot of ends, and she claims to always have the right tool for the job.


Sawyer isn't particularly odd by many standards, in fact, she prefers to see herself as 'normal' compared to others in her field. While most others play themselves off as special or incredibly unique, she will downplay herself as 'just another fellow looking for fortune' who happened to get as far as she has off of nothing but 'sheer luck and some grit'.

Sawyer seems to paint herself as jovial and trustworthy, and to some extent this is true; She is often enough happy to help anyone in need, so long as they'll return the favor. She gets her quips in, and is generally smart enough to try and dance around dicey subjects with some form of tact if she has to.

She seems to take more notes than she needs to when out on the field, often going through whole pads and books as though they were single pages.

She denies the gods, or rather, denies their right to faith. Sawyer is a self-described mesotheist, who lives without any god's blessing and believes herself better off without it. Whether or not this is true has yet to be determined.


Sawyer doesn't believe her story to be particularly interesting. It all began one unlucky night between her father and a woman who made a mistake that later resulted in a young girl who was later named Sawyer.

She grew up on her father's farm, and though he did his best, he was never a particularly good father. Always screaming and yelling at her for aspiring to be anything other than a farmer and a trophy wife. She got caught up in her current profession when, one day, some of the livestock turned up missing, bloody footprints leading into the nearby forest.

There was a monster in the woods, and it was preying on them.

So she stayed up late the following night, staring out her bedroom window, and waited for the monster. Every night, she would watch this terrible beast prowl across her father's property, sketch it in her sketchbook, and take notes about how it behaved and acted, to its preferred food and schedule.

She can't remember exactly how she went from setting out strips of meat for this giant spider to her sitting beside it on the steps of her back porch while they ate them. Or how many weeks it took for her to reach that level of trust.

The cost of her new friend was her father's livelihood, as the beast continued to feed on his livestock as time went on. When her old man found out that his daughter had not only been allowing this monster to live, but had befriended it, he was furious and threatened to kill the great spider himself.

He didn't get the chance.

Sawyer later went on to become something of a for-hire monster hunter, though she does very little actual hunting. She prefers to trap and release the monsters that she is contracted to exterminate, and even then, those are only in the cases in which she can't befriend the beast and add them to her ever-growing party.

She's ready for another adventure.
Simple, sturdy footwear, usually made of leather.
A vehicle designed to carry goods, usually pulled by a draught horse or similar animal.
Includes one small horse or animal (non-rideable).
Common Trousers
Sometimes called pants, this garment is worn on the lower body, and covers the legs. These trousers are long and extend down to the ankles.
Common Tunic
A simple garment which might resemble a long shirt that stops somewhere between the wearer's hips and ankles. The sleeves may be long or short, depending on the local climate.
The pages in this bound book are blank, allowing the owner to use it to keep a record of their thoughts and activities.
A little belt pouch for one to put their coins or jewelry into.
Quill and Ink
A writing implement made from a long feather, used by dipping the tip into a pot of dyed liquid.
A hardy pack, with two straps that allow it to be worn on one's back. It's ideal for carrying supplies while on the move.
A rope consists of fibers which have been twisted or braided together in order to combine them into a larger and stronger form.
A container typically used to hold drinking water.
Basic Medical Kit
A top quality resource for any healer, this basic medical kit requires anything you might need to apply first aid in the field.Some models also have surgical implements, making them a fine investment for any doctor.
A thick, woolen blanket, perfect for keeping a person warm.
Tailoring Kit
A small box with needles and spools of thread, used for sewing.
Goat Hide
A goat’s hide that has been scraped clean and dried. Often used in leatherworking.
Synth Ingredient
Abalone Shell
The shell from a sea snail or other such creature the inside of which once polished, can create beautifully colored patterns on the shell. Often used in jewelry and decorations.
Synth Ingredient
Rainbow Wool
A soft and fluffy tuft of wool from a sheared papel. It is a prized material for weavers as the color remains vibrant after continuous washes.
Synth Ingredient
An item used to fish or to capture someone or something.

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