Name: Mariah Chanelle
Original Name: Meriel Jenson
Age: 50
Looks: In her 20s
Race: Elf
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5’11”
Body Type: Curvy Hourglass
Tattoo: A Golden Eagle on her back
Markings: A scar on her ankle

Titles: The Kind Mother, The Orphan Mother, Sweetest One, Queen of Beasts
Occupation: Merchant
Skills: Charisma, Magic, and intelligence
Weaknesses: Little physical strength, unskilled in climbing and sword battles

Favorite Drink: Plain clean water
Personality: Mariah is extremely manipulative and uses this as a tactic to get what she wants. Her intelligence is high and based around perception. She can observe people and figure out how they work and how they think. Mariah acts kind and ensures that her children have necessary protection. She is extremely charming and friendly.
Weaknesses: Greediness. That is her main problem since she constantly needs to have that in check. If she doesn’t then she will make a mistake that will hurt herself in the long run.

Mariah used to be called Meirel. She always hated that name but didn’t have enough money to change that legally. Meirel was born in the city of Karith in a middle class family. When she was an adult she was desperate to gain ground and become higher class. She hated the idea of becoming poor or powerless. One night she had a one night affair with a rosenite man, whom she cannot even remember the name of.
A couple of months later, she discovered that she was pregnant. She named the child Salene. At first she was lovely to her daughter and tried her best to train the child to be useful. But as time went on, she wasn’t able to improve fast enough and became desperate. Some merchants approached her and offered a good amount of money for Salene. The money was enough to get Meirel to the position that she desired. So Meirel sold off her daughter without a second thought. She later came to regret this.
After gaining her position as lower high class, she realized that she did not have an heir anymore. Pregnancy was an issue to Meirel since it could become deadly. She had known a few women who had died during a pregnancy. Now Meirel regretted sending her child away, especially when she learned that the ship had become lost at sea. Meirel changed her name at this point to Mariah.
Mariah continued working as a merchant and began to gain more and more money. However she was always concerned about the fact that she was alone. At least until she realized that orphanages were filled with lonely pitiful children. Mariah was able to adopt some children and move to Adeluna in Canelux. That way she would have more freedom to do whatever she liked. Not to mention there was more…opportunity there.
She raised these children and got as many as she could take on. When the kids grew to teenager age, they helped her. Mariah was able to craft and mold their minds along with teaching them how to be useful. She would find out what their skills were and pay somebody to come instruct them on how to expand on their skills. However she ensured that the children depended and adored her. To the point where they would not trust anybody else. Now she has adults who still follow her along with more children to raise, stolen or adopted from orphanages.

Salene- Her first daughter and the only one she birthed
Her trained children