Name: Marin Olivia Rose
Age: 400s
Looks: 20
Race: Demon/Rosenite
Height: 5'1"
Weight: Heavy enough (Seriously don't ask her)
Body Type: Lithe
Skin: Sun-kissed
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Shoulder length, brunette with golden highlights here or there
Occupation: Inventor, Scholar, Worldly stuff ya know?
Home: Sularia, Arri
Current Residence: Workshop, Mamlak (DONT THINK ABOUT STOPPING IN WITHOUT AN INVITATION! All trespassers will be fed to the experimental plants. You've been warned!)
Mode of Transportation: A zip line (What else would you bloody use in a workshop? Stairs? That's crazy talk.)
Personality: Eccentric (in that good way, not the gonna stab your eye out way), Mildly cheerful (It's contagious don't breath my air), Mischevious, Can be nosey (Ya got secrets to share right? No? Okay, I'll just pay extra special attention to ya when you don't know I'm here!)