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Ice Dragon
The real Shyrus
Goggle Sama

All About Shyrus

Character Name: Shyrus
Age: Well gosh, she is a few thousand years old. She does hibernate a lot, for centuries at a time. An exact figure would be close to five thousand.
Background: Shyrus is an Ice Dragon! She likes to travel, meet new people, hoard new treasure. When she isn't out and about she can often be found hibernating for long periods of time in her cave. The exact location shall remain a secret, to protect it from would be treasure hunters. I know you're out there. Other likes include eating, fighting, hearing how beautiful her scales are.

Dragon Form
Height/Size: From claw/foot to shoulder she is 30 feet tall. From nose to tail she is 150 feet long.Her wingspan is 375 feet from wingtip to wingtip.
Weight: Well that's just rude to ask a lady.
Gender: Female
Race: Ice Dragon
Eyes: A very deep, dark blue.
Scaletone: Pure white, when struck by sunlight they sparkle
Build: For a dragon she is very lean
Weapons of Choice: She considers herself a weapon! Between the teeth, the claws, the tail, magic and icy breath attack she has no preferences.
Armour of choice: Her own armor like scales
Magical Abilities: Aside from the actual magic? She transforms easily into a human form.

Human form
Height: Exactly six feet tall
Weight: 150 lbs
Gender: Still female
Race: Still Ice Dragon, but in a human form
Hair: Her hair only exists in this form, despite fan art that suggests otherwise. Her hair is shoulder length and white as snow.
Eyes: Her eyes look exactly the same as they do in her true form. Deep, dark blue with a vertically slit pupil.
Skintone: Pale white
Build: Slim, athletic build
Appearance, Age: She appears to be in her mid to late twenties.
Weapons of Choice: She created a magic wand from a tail bone from her grandfather's corpse. (an Irian mage staff with a snowbelle enchantment)
Armour of choice: While in human form if she requires armor she will cover her body in draconic scales, the same colour as her true form
Magical Abilities: She is a dragon who transforms into a human mage. She specialises in Ice magic, and dabbles in a little healing for selfish purposes.
Scarab Choker
These scarab shaped ornaments are made from the bodies of the live scarabs that infested the resurrected capital of Aysut. Even in death, they maintain a portion of their master's call, but that call has been bent by the magics of the living. Anyone wearing these chokers can temporarily command the scarab piece to duplicate itself into a small group of illusory scarabs. These scarabs will have eye-shaped hieroglyphics on the back of their shells that the caster can see through, and, so long as the spell remains active, they are completely under said person's control.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Wyvern Bone Blade
The strongest remnants of the frost wyvern’s skeleton were used to create this sword which can puncture and shred most modest armors apart with ease.
This is an event prize for Xunatar's 2017 event: The Ignius Paradox Event
Dragonic Bellow
With this spell, the caster’s shouts are magnified into powerful bursts, able to both knock down enemies and obstacles and can invoke fear.
This is an event prize for Xunatar's 2017 event: The Ignius Paradox Event
Oh Holy Night
A crystalline snowflake that is constantly shining with holy light. When one has this in their possession, they are surrounded by holy power, making them safer to the undead or those of evil intent.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 12: A gift from the God Naota.
Crystal Armor
This armor is made from crystal mined deep below the city of Baltil. The craftsmanship is like no other. It gives a small boost to ice resistance as well as a small boost to ice magicks.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 10
Chrysalis Ring
This rings creates a crystal barrier around the user. It protects from both magical and physical attacks. The barrier does break under large amounts of pressure so beware.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Ded Moroz's Snowflake Battleaxe
When the first son of Glaciem came into being he was gifted his grandfather's axe. It had a harsh, glacial atmosphere to it, and, if one not prepared touched it, could give frostbite, often causing the loss of one's hands. The axe itself glistens like newly fallen snow and frozen glacier water. This axe only accepts one owner and tries to freeze whoever else touches it. Be prepared to be worthy or to become the next ice sculpture.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 11
A man made of snow that has magically sprung to life. Hope he isn't allergic to the heat!
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 1
Classic guardians of knowledge and secrets, the sphinx is known for it’s fair female face, sleek body of a lioness, and wings of an eagle, and love of riddles.. Can Speak & Can Cast.
“What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?”
Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Boreas Dragon
"It sees you when you're healing. It knows when you're afraid. It knows when you've been injured, so run away for goodness sake."
This dragon hails from the ice lands. Its powerful roar can be heard throughout the lands of Revaliir as it flies overhead during Glaciem. Its ice breath is something that many fear and even its scale have a glacial atmosphere to them.
2015 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 12
Mythic Polymorph
This spell allows the caster to take on the form of creatures larger than a bear. Mythic Polymorph can also be used to transform individual parts of your body into parts of the described creatures.
Ice Breath
The caster exhales a blast of ice, chilling and damaging a target.
Ice Strike
This spell allows the caster to direct a blast of cold energy at a target.
Hunter's Instinct
Creates heightened senses needed to be a hunter. I.e. Smell, sight, etc.
Parvpora's Sight
This spell allows the caster the ability to see better in the dark.
Common Robes
Simple, loose-fitting garments made from ordinary material, these plain robes are suitable for general, everyday wear.
Concussive Blast
The caster hurls a strong gust of wind at a target that is capable of inflicting blunt damage and disorienting opponents.
Frost Ball
The caster summons a ball of ice and hurls it at their target.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
These light shoes are delicate, easy to put on.
Magic wands are used by magi, healers and other magic users. They also come in a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, crystal, or other, stranger things.
Aura Sight
This spell allows the caster to sense a magical aura around a person, or to sense another's presence even if the caster cannot see them. Also allows the caster to sense magical presence up to 40 yards away.
Greater Agility
Not only heightens one’s speeds, but allows them great balance and the ability to land on one’s feet from high height. This spell also allows the ability to walk on walls and ceilings for the duration of ten minutes.
Increases the physical strength of the user for a short time.
Breath of Ki
This spell allows the caster to breathe underwater, or to give another person that ability.
Minor Levitation
A spell that allows for the caster’s body to be raised off the ground for a brief amount of time.
This spell gives the caster supernatural protection against magickal and physical attacks.
A basic healing spell that will restore an injured person's health.
Lucky Moon Biscuits
Made from flaky pastry and sweetened filling, these delicious seasonal delicacies come in various flavors. Eating one of these fills you with energy, restoring your stamina. Like the phases of the moons, they come in boxes of nine biscuits.
Special event prize for Naota and Shiloh's 2018 event Night of a Thousand Phantasms.
Stone Skin
A spell that causes the skin to harden, and become armor-like.
A creature of immense power, sometimes looked to as if it's a god. They fly the skies not really fearing much.
-has one breath weapon of the character's choice
Dragonscale Boots
Boots crafted from the scales of dragons, they offer the best protection for the feet.
Dragonscale Chest
Crafted from dragon scales, this protects one's torso. The same piece will fit a man or woman.
Dragonscale Gauntlets
Gauntlets crafted from dragon scales, they are not the most flexible, but offer a high degree of protection.
Dragonscale Helm
Formed from dragon scales and smaller bones, this helm offers the best protection for one's head.
Dragonscale Leggings
Crafted from the smaller scales of the dragon, these leggings offer a high level of protection, without being as encumbered as when wearing plate armor.
Dragonscale Pauldrons
Pauldrons crafted from the scales of dragons, they offer the best protection for the shoulders.
Gate Travel
This spell allows the caster to open a portal to another location anywhere in Revaliir.
This spell allows the caster to change their physical appearance.
This spell allows the caster to take on the form of any animal size of a bear or smaller. Polymorph can also be used to transform individual parts of your body into parts of the described creatures.
This spell allows the user to adapt their body to the temperature of their surroundings. It provides no outward change in physical characteristics or other racial traits.
Greater Heal
An advanced healing spell capable of sealing all but the most grievous of wounds.
Ice Weaving
This spell allows the caster to manipulate small amounts of snow and ice with their mind.
For a short period of time, the caster is able to summon a blizzard around them.
A large amount of snow thunders towards a target, causing cold damage, and sometimes catching the caster in the avalanche.
Irian Mage’s Staff
A mage's staff crafted of rare wood, the purest crystal, and lacriamium. The sign of a master spellcaster.
Enchanted with a keen rune so it never rusts or dulls from age. Enchanted with a second rune to double a mage's mana pool and is inscribed with runes that light up when a void storm is approaching.
Okami's Armlet
These armlets of perpetually frozen ice are made to honor the great dragon, Okami, from Ataiyan lore. To be constructed, they must be left in the snow of the Tori Mountains for a fortnight in order to, supposedly, absorb some of the dead dragon's power. The effects are undeniable.
Enhances Ice Magic.
Arcane Empower
This spell supernaturally enhances the target's magickal ability much like the similar spells Strength and Lesser Agility.
Snowflake Cloak
An item made of enchanted snow, this cloak glistens brightly in any kind of light without ever melting. Nowadays, they are frequently used as fashion statements as well as a mirrors, but the original snowflake cloak was apparently cursed to never let its owner go.
This immense, grotesque creature has multiple heads attached to long necks and a reptilian body. While typically they have poisoned breath, others can breathe fire, water, and other elements at an enemy. It is rumoured that if one head is cut off, two more grow in its place.
-can cast

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