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Alessaunder Mandulis
Mage Knight
The real Alessaunder
Jun 19, 1990

All About Alessaunder Mandulis

Birthright and Betrayal
History Part I
Alessaunder grew up as the son of a noble, and for the first twelve years of his life. He became a street rat when the head of the the Luthraine family, Dorian Luthraine III, launched a grand plan to ruin the Mandulis family line forever. In one night Alessaunder lost everything; his father was murdered, his mother framed for the murder, and his family accused of treason against the king.

The Inquisition
History Part II
For the next four years Alessaunder grew up as a street-rat, then a former priest of the light adopted the sixteen year-old boy and raised him like a son of his own. The ex-priest continued Aless\' education and taught him skills that he would later use to protect others and survive on his own. When Alessaunder turned twenty his new father told him why he left the clergy, he had left to join an organization of men and women dedicated to fighting evil in every form but weren't afraid to get their hands dirty, the group had dubbed itself the Inquisition.

Aless had worked for the group for four years now fighting the forces of darkness, deceit, and madness ever since. He would pause his work with the Inquisition when a clue to his father's killer would find its way into Alessaunder's hand. He had been close to finding the man, but the assassin found him first.

Life & Loss
History Part III
The assassin's name was Orrick, Alessaunder killed him but the organization that Orrick belonged to, called the Red Symphony, had plans for Aless and it is only a matter of time before Verrick would show up again. Alessaunder knew that Dorian Luthraine had something to do with this organization, but he didn't know what his role was; unfortunately Dorian had been protected by the law and his noble birthright and for the time had been untouchable.

Baptized in Blood
History Part IV
For a time Alessaunder worked for the fire avatar, Caitlin, and gathered allies to stand against Verrick and his Red Symphony. Eventually he became possessed by the assassin Orrick and killed Caitlin's lover. He was quickly freed from Orrick's grasp by the combined effort of Caitlin and Killian, and left the temple soon after to face his demons alone.

Through the Fire
History Part V
After leaving the temple Alessaunder took a far more aggressive approach to deal with the Verrick and his cohorts and after a long struggle emerged victorious. He refuses to reveal how he managed to do so and disappeared for a while to give his fallen brothers-in-arms a proper send off.

From the Ashes
History part VI
Alessaunder "died" the day Verrick "fell" and became Asher. He modified his appearance and locked his memories of himself away, temporarily replacing them with new memories and a new life.

Redemption in Hand
History part VII
For a time he remained as Asher roaming the world, exploring runes, discovering lost magics; however Alessaunder eventually returned to the shrine to own up to what happened. He went back to living in the fire shrine where he trained people interested in learning how to blend magic and martial training, when he wasn't hunting down rare and obscure items down for Caitlin.

The Calm Before the Storm
History Part VIII
He refrained from taking to many adventures for a time sticking to his duties and reconnecting with people he had lost contact with when he was banished and did something he hadn't done in a great many years, relax. The peace lasted for a year before problems arose again.

Love Lost
History Part IX

The Void
History Part X

From Nothing
History Part XI

A Brave New World
History XII
A sword called Kindness...yes kill them with kindness! This sword is a majestic masterpiece that speaks to its owner. It is far better to kill with kindness than to hound an enemy with insults.
Rewarded as a milestone prize during Revaliir's opening on October 16th, 2015.
Revaliir gained over 100 new members on launch day and as a big "thank you" we are awarding you with kindness!
Common Robes
Simple, loose-fitting garments made from ordinary material, these plain robes are suitable for general, everyday wear.
Fire Ball
The caster summons a ball of fire and hurls it at their target.
Mage's Staff
This staff is crafted with a glass ball at the top. Used for channeling powerful magic.
Increases the physical strength of the user for a short time.
Causes the victim to become physically weakened.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
Flame Strike
This spell allows the caster to direct a blast of fire at a target.
Consecrate Weapon
The caster blesses a weapon, allowing it to deal holy damage for a short time.
Custom Item Voucher
This is redeemable through contacting Angela Rose.
Never Ending Ale
A mug of ale that never empties!
A gift from the Administrator for reaching 200 members in 2 months!

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