Age: Unknown, appears late twenties
Race: Lust Demon
Occupation: Cult Leader
Hair: When human, long, flowing brown hair
Eyes: Piercing sapphire blue
Height: 6’1
Body Type: Human form appears big and muscular, demon form is armored with four arms
Skin: Human form is tan, fair complexion; demon form is hard, armored blue
Special Markings/Tattoos: Chains seem to wrap around him, in demon form these chains are his second set of arms
Current Home: Faith of Temperance, in a hidden location
Skillsets: Not too shabby of a swordsman, Damien’s skills lie in powerful mental magics including trickery and deceit.
Strengths: Charismatic, powerful mind mage
Weakness: Obsessive and acts without thinking

Damien is a poweful lust demon who uses a guise as a caring leader of the Faith of Temperance. Despite it being a front for gathering energy for himself, he does seem to genuinely care about those who follow his Faith, though he doesn’t seem to show it due to his cold nature. He has a bad habit of acting without thinking, which usually ends up costing him in the long run. He has a bit of a jealous temper, though he has yet to find anything that he is truly attached to.

Ashlynn - His prized ‘Angel’
Ezra - His up and coming half-vampire
Julia - Vampire ‘Angel’
Angelus - A useful tool
The Faith of Temperance