!!Has been giving the right to Co-own Kalyani's Hag Wagon Custom!!
Basic Information
Zanar and Kalyani's Theme
Name: Born: Azelas Arowin, Current: Zanar Arowin
Age: Immortal
Race: Werebear
Occupation: God of the Endless Hunt and Boundless Wilds
Hair: Shoulder Length Brown Hair, Wavy
Eyes: Piercing Blue, semi illuminated with a Silver ring that tendrils into the blue
Height: 6’2”
Body Type: Athletic
Tattoo: Tribal Raven on Chest
Current Home: Flidais, The Eternal Hunting Grounds
Homeland: Boharan Plains
Favorite Drink: Various Teas, Ale
Other Titles: Last Raven, Mage Masher,
Weakness: Mana Control, Sea Sickness, Family.
Most Powerful Weapon: Wife
Upper Chest – Claw marks that run into the Raven tattoo, the point of where he first became an Ursanthrope
Various points on his torso – laceration scars from mana being forcefully expunged from his body. Far fewer scars than before his transformation
He was born a fighter who had a natural affinity with swordsmanship. Though he is a mercenary he does not act like a one, treating everyone he meets with the respect that they deserve. Due to his transition to a shifter he also can have a short fuse for those that wrong him or people he cares for, but at the same time his protective instincts went into overdrive and will fight to tooth and nail. He has a soft spot for children and believes them to be innocent no matter what, he believes that the world can be better through them and it is their right as elders to guide them to the light. If one had met the man they would not know he sold his blade as a mercenary.
Kalyani LaNora: Wife