Zujiuchu spent months sculpting a somewhat lifelike sculpture. When he was finished, he wasn't exactly sure what to do with it. Unbeknownst to Zujiuchu, the sculpture was sentient. He has managed to create a self-aware sculpture. Alas, the sculpture could not move. He lacked the strength and will to move. The sculpture merely sat around collecting dust. One day, it was put to some use. The sculpture was the perfect place to store a soulgem. It became an attraction. A masterpiece. Until it started to move. The sculpture started to move and act like a normal person. The soulgem had given it life. Zujiuchu decided to call it Nameless, since it did not really require a name. Nameless helped Zujiuchu as best it could until his passing. Now, Nameless wonders Revaliir, searching for someone, anyone, to serve. When one master dies, Nameless moves on to the next one.
Name: Nameless
Age: 900 yrs
Height: 8'0" / 10' 0" erupted
Weight: 550 lbs / 700 lbs erupted
Currently serving: Raziel
Eruption: When threatened or ordered to, Nameless will "erupt", increasing its size, strength, and speed.
Eruption picture: