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Chrysanthe Albaret
The real Chrysanthe

Another Cymbel alt! :3
Phoenix Bow
Carved from ash and blessed by flame, the Phoenix-shaped bow frame is detailed in gold and ivory. As the user knocks an arrow, it transforms into a bolt of flame, loosed into the victim.
Rhylana’s 2015 Event Item, Everything Burns
A hardy pack, with two straps that allow it to be worn on one's back. It's ideal for carrying supplies while on the move.
Halo Lantern
A finely crafted lantern made from the halos of the Outsider Angels. The light from this lantern is as pure as sunlight and can affect creatures adverse to sunlight in the same fashion. It needs no fuel to use, just open the shutter and the never fading light inside will shine.
This is an event prize for Sirona's 2020 God Event: The Revolution of Light.
Miniature Orb of Darkness
A small orb of solid shadow. Those who wish to combat the light and restore the balance of night and day need only hold it close in the presence of the Angelic Statue on Welayta and the orb will drain away the light magic within.
This is an event prize for Sirona's 2020 God Event: The Revolution of Light.
Wyvernbone Ring
Carved from the bones of fallen wyvern, the Hiadref have enchanted these rings to aid outsiders in surviving the harsh cold of their home island.
Seed Pouch With Sling
These specialized seeds have been handed out with a slingshot. People have been instructed to try and hit as many Eldritch beings as possible. The seed pouch seems to be never ending… I wonder what will happen with them.
This is an event prize for the 2019 Anniversary Event: Interitus: A Tale of Mortals and World's End
Terrene Crossbow
A crossbow carved from whole emerald and decorated with silver. Chunks of different gemstones have formed about it’s form. This crossbow was a weapon of a once mighty god and it has the ability to shoot through solid earthen forms like trees or walls.
This is an event prize for the 2019 Anniversary Event: A Tale of Mortals and World's End.
Lunaris Drainer
A dainty flower that resembles a green tulip at first, but under the moonlight, its head will fully bloom into a beautiful arrangement of green, purple and yellow. It is at its most dangerous as it will spit its seeds at anyone it perceives as an enemy. If they make contact, the seeds will sink into the flesh of its victims and within moments, vines will sprout and coil from the entry wound and slowly drain the energy of its host until it dies.
Event item for The Madness of the Sister Moons Event 2019
Commune With Nature
This spell allows the caster to communicate with plants.
Earth Meld
The caster melds with the earth and flora, keeping them hidden, or protected from earth attacks.
Earth Weaving
This spell allows the caster to manipulate small amounts of earth with their mind.
Stone Wall
This spell creates a sturdy stone wall, which can act as a barrier between the caster and an incoming attack.
This spell allows the user to adapt their body to the temperature of their surroundings. It provides no outward change in physical characteristics or other racial traits.
Druid Spellbook
Usually far more primitive looking than other spellbooks, these tomes are constructed by druids and mages with an affinity toward the elements. They contain information on all elemental spells as well as magic that allows communion with the wilds of the world.
Fauna Atlas
A tattered atlas detailing all of the creatures that reside in Revaliir. An excellent pick up for those who are always on the road.
Simple, sturdy footwear, usually made of leather.
This heavy, woolen cloak offers its wearer warmth and protection from the elements. It also has a hood, which can be drawn up to make the wearer seem more mysterious.
Common Trousers
Sometimes called pants, this garment is worn on the lower body, and covers the legs. These trousers are long and extend down to the ankles.
Common Tunic
A simple garment which might resemble a long shirt that stops somewhere between the wearer's hips and ankles. The sleeves may be long or short, depending on the local climate.
Conjure Food
The caster creates a small amount of food, enough for a single meal.
A short, bladed weapon with a sharp point. Can be used to slash or pierce an enemy.
Hunter's Instinct
Creates heightened senses needed to be a hunter. I.e. Smell, sight, etc.
Hunting Bow
A simple crafted bow for hunting tonight's dinner. Not overly suitable for combat.
Leather Vambraces
Reinforced leather armguards, they provide protection without sacrificing flexibility.
Lesser Agility
This spell grants the ability to move at heightened speeds.
Parvpora's Sight
This spell allows the caster the ability to see better in the dark.
Botanical Growth
Using the power of one’s relationship with the earth, one is able to considerably speed up the growth of florae at a max of 40 feet. This allows the florae to grapple or contain the people around the caster.
Rose Whip
While not in use the whip turns into a beautiful long stemmed rose, watch out for the thorns.
Prize from the 2017 Admin Event: Lights of Love.
Arriese Rose Hydra
Unlike regular hydras, these hydra live in the tropical landscapes surrounding Arri's capital. They are large and often violent creatures whose heads are surrounded with rose petals. Their legs are like the roots of a flower and overall the creature looks odd.
Angela Rose's 2015 Event: A Mother's Wish
Ten Tickles
This spell allows the caster to summon ten giant tentacle plants ready to whip at their master’s enemies.
This is an event prize for the 2016 Halloween Event: Atop Haunted Hill.
Chaliese’s Lucky Belt
Fashioned much like the belt of a belly-dancer, it has many silver coins hanging from it. The coins jingle together creating the rhythm that the pirate was known for. It was rumored that if one heard the music of the coins, their fortune would be gone in a fortnight. No one ever caught the famous pirate before her disappearance. She left behind only her lucky belt. Provides good luck to the wearer.
Common Skirt
A skirt made out of simple fabric. It doesn't look very expensive but it's better than nothing.
Boots of Everbloom
Crafted in the meadows of Horae Island, these boots were once worn by the fairies that live there. They were used to create vast gardens as they walked. When one puts them on and walks, flowers pop up behind them in all colors and shapes.
Monarch Obi
A beautiful set of monarch wings enchanted onto an obi from Ataiyo. The wings can help the user fly, but they are so delicate that use during combat, storms, or other stressful situations is strongly discouraged.
Rose Cloak
Sewn together from roses from the Bakulaw Isle, this large floral cloak is a status symbol of grace and beauty. It is enchanted never to wilt nor fade. The petals are like the finest silk.
Known as the king of the skies in Bakulaw, this creature owns the skies with it's large wing span. The Kalangitan is big enough to build a small base on and many adventurers aim to tame these kings of the skies. They are slow flyers but their endurance can out live most other flyers.
"This is a good place to build a base... Right?"
Riding Equipment
Typically consists of a saddle and reins. Allows one to better ride a mountable companion.
Chrysalis Ring
This rings creates a crystal barrier around the user. It protects from both magical and physical attacks. The barrier does break under large amounts of pressure so beware.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Summon Companion
Summons an animal pet or npc companion to one’s side. The pet or npc must be in caster’s inventory. Alternatively, one with permission can summon a pc to their side.
Summon Item
The caster summons an item, normally armor or weapons, that they own from the aether.
Kirika's Lost Compass
The compass is a beautiful object, with an interesting purpose. If a stone or bit of dirt is placed on it, the needle will guide someone to the origin of where the dirt or stone is from.
Event Prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath
Anima Ring
This ring allows the user to seal a soul within the sunstone gem. The user can then use the soul to power their magic or their physical strength until the soul becomes destroyed.
Prize for the 2017 Triune Event: Hell Hath No Fury
Scarab Choker
These scarab shaped ornaments are made from the bodies of the live scarabs that infested the resurrected capital of Aysut. Even in death, they maintain a portion of their master's call, but that call has been bent by the magics of the living. Anyone wearing these chokers can temporarily command the scarab piece to duplicate itself into a small group of illusory scarabs. These scarabs will have eye-shaped hieroglyphics on the back of their shells that the caster can see through, and, so long as the spell remains active, they are completely under said person's control.
Event prize for the 2017 Halloween Event, Ripples of Time: Nahda
Huntsman’s Axe
An Endopanian axe that was supposedly used to rip Fair Aeria from the stomach of a wolf. It’s beautifully crafted from enchanted metal, so it never dulls, and the handle is made from strong mahogany wood. Elven designs are engraved on the axe’s blade. This blade is said to be enchanted-to slay beasts easier than most other weapons.
Magic Beans
A mysterious man from Iria sold these to an unsuspecting traveler for a pair of chickens. When planted, a large strong vine grows and allows one to safely ascend mountains and cliffs. It may even climb into the skies! Once you get to your destination all you must utter is a single keyword of your choosing and the structure will crumble producing your seeds once more.
These beans are very powerful in terms of what they do. They are enchanted to create either a land bridge or a staircase in any terrain or atop any surface. You could go from Mo'Mey Steppes to Endapano just by setting one of these down. The structures these beans create only last a day and if for some reason someone were to destroy the structure be prepared to run.
Common Dress
A simple dress, made of ordinary material, and suitable for general, everyday wear.
Meant to be worn on the hands, these gloves are sturdy and warm.
Drae's Bottled Starlight
Made by the Keeper to help his children combat their fear of the dark, this vials of thick colored glass can cast a starscape on the walls and ceiling of a room. When placed on the ground of an area or on a shelf, it creates a circle of protection with a 20 ft Diameter.
Event Prize for Adraejen’s 2017 Event: Days of Hebheka
Enchanted Cage
A magically enchanted cage to stop your prey from escaping!
Bo Staff
A simple wooden staff, intended for martial combat.
Salt Flat Mirror
A mirror that appears to have been shattered from the Sundering Gardens itself. It comes from the largest mirror in all of Revaliir, Angela's Salt Flats. This mirror will allow you into a glimpse of the Goddess's powers by allowing one to see any one person you have ever met. Simply envision the person and you'll be able to see them as long as they are on land.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar Day 2: A gift from the Goddess Angela.
Tinkerer's Goggles
These goggles allow the person wearing them to see twenty feet ahead through any material, except through deadzones.
Event prize from the 2015 Admin Event: Timedeath.
Remember: only one per account for the purposes of the advent calendar 2017.
Holly Garland
A beautiful garland of real holly that can be used as a decoration or as an addition to one’s wardrobe.
Arc of Want
A pendulum that points its owner to what their heart truly wants.
This is an event prize for Angela and Dalanesca's 2018 event A Mortal's Heart.
Leather Leggings
Leg armor made of leather, it offers protection without limiting mobility.
Witchwood Cuirass
Chest armor formed from enchanted wood found in Feeorin forest. Naturally comes in shades of blue and purple, but can be enchanted to appear as whatever color the owner wishes. Does not burn like regular wood, and is not crafted with any metal. Offers great protection at a loss of mobility compared to leather armor.
Witchwood Gloves
Gloves crafted from the sturdy bark of the enchanted Witchwood trees of Feeorin forest. Naturally comes in blue and purple shades, but can be enchanted to appear as whatever color the owner wishes. These gloves are impervious to fire and are not crafted with any metal. They are enchanted so as to be flexible enough for one to move their fingers while wearing it, but are still more stiff than a leather glove.
A rope consists of fibers which have been twisted or braided together in order to combine them into a larger and stronger form.
Yewflower’s Twig
A twig from an ancient ent named Yewflower. Yewflower had enormous amounts of earthly magick that flowed from his roots to the leaves. A mage that uses the twig is able to cast earth magick with greater potency.
Enhances earth magic.
Constellation Bracelet
Unlike normal compasses, the constellation bracelet does not point toward the north pole. Instead, it points toward the north star, and only at night. There is also a lighted background on it to help the user see the needle.
Temperature Beach Wear
Originally invented by rogue Hiafae tailors, these outfits will change the temperature of the closest water to whatever the wearer desires. You can go diving around Itjivut without feeling cold in these!
Harenian Lizard
Are you tired of riding boring old horses? Shake up your day by jumping on the back of your own giant lizard! No longer will you be barred by walls, for the Harenian Lizard is skilled in scaling! One rider per lizard.
Wayfinder's Widget
This curious, tablet-shaped device projects a map of where you have been on its surface, but only for one floor. An excellent tool for the intrepid explorer and daring dungeon delver, as its illuminated surface and sleek design make it markedly superior to any magic map.
This item is an event prize for Shiloh and Angela’s 2018 Deity Event: Lunacy of the Deep
Goddess Cube
A beautifully decorated stained glass puzzle box made in platinum, this acts as a portable storage device akin to Reynash’s Endless Bag. The sides of the box bear symbols and related imagery of the goddesses of Life and Luck.
This item is an event prize for Shiloh and Angela’s 2018 Deity Event: Lunacy of the Deep
Tempest's Fury
The power of a small lightning storm contained within, these orbs can be found scattered throughout Railoch. To most, they are merely oddities, causing the hair on one’s head to stand up when holding them. To mages, however, they are power sources, capable of enhancing lightning magics.

The Tempest’s Fury provides a minor, elemental enchantment of Lightning.

Quiver of Elemental Arrows
A medium pack of arrows that have been magically charged with different elemental effects. These arrows deal minor elemental damage. Each arrow can only do one element at a time. Meaning you can't have fire and water damage on the same arrow.
This pack has a max of 25 elemental arrows you can use per thread unless you roleplay buying more.
A useful substance from the jungles of Laeto. Used to waterproof whips, armor, and other useful things. Can be put in the ears to cancel out noise, but it won't have any effect on Psionic spells, we're afraid.
A container typically used to hold drinking water.
Grappling Hook
This hooked metal device is meant to be attached to a rope. It can then be thrown, and secures the rope in place.
Gardening Tools
A simple kit of tools that will help one begin their gardening career. Tools like a spade, sickle, hoe, and your very own watering can!
Bottled Shiranui
A willowisp captured in a bottle. When released it emits a phosphorescent glow and can multiply quickly. Unlike most light sources it does not consume fuel or release heat. Max of 10 wisps at a time per thread.
This is an event prize for Naota and Shiloh's 2018 event Night of a Thousand Phantasms.
Yoyuki's Quiver
A magical quiver enchanted to never run out of arrows, replenishing its stock once all have been used. The arrows produced inflict temporary paralysis on targets. This quiver has a max of 15 arrows you can use per thread.
This is an event prize for Naota and Shiloh's 2018 event Night of a Thousand Phantasms.
Seraphim Feather
Seraphim are legendary creatures rarely seen by mortals, and yet their existence is provable. In the highest regions of Revaliir, scattered infrequently throughout the mountains, Seraphim feathers can be found. These feathers glint with an impossibly golden sheen, and can even be used as lanterns in darkness.

They provide a minor, elemental enchantment of Light.

Skyshard Boomerang
A boomerang created from skyshards, acts like a normal wooden boomerang, however, this is has bladed edges for distant cutting damage. Just be careful when it comes back to you, don't want to catch in the wrong way.
This is an event prize for Staff's 2018 Anniversary Event Negation Order: Exterminate the Moons.
Earth Grasp
Trees comes alive and grab hold of anyone within the radius of the caster’s spell but cannot move from their location. This spells lasts for as long as the caster puts mana into it thus becoming very draining after a few minutes.
Lucina's Moonlight Lantern
This lantern was made by the fallen goddess Lucina. She was once considered a saint among the people of Parvpora before the Tree was tainted. She would light the way home for sailors using the moon. She created these lanterns to ward off the evil of her conclave siblings. When the tree became tainted these delicate stained glass lanterns were hidden so she could not destroy them.
Can see through darkness made by magic by ten feet.
Event Prize for The Abedian Festival of Color 2016.
Leaf of the Tree Cloak
A cloak made of an enormous ash leaf from the World Tree, it provides magickal resistance.
2016 Christmas Advent Calendar: Day 1. Gift from the World Tree.
Rafandi Snowshoes
These snowshoes are made of carved wood and leather, with a bit of Rafandi magic so that the wearer can move through snow uninhibited.

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