(sig pic by redod@dA, above pic by me)
Nicknames & Alias: LeSilve
Height: 5'3"
Oddities: Green eyes, green sclera. Left arm is skeletal.
Weapons of Choice: Magic.
Magical Abilities: If something can justifiably be considered affiliated with an element, he can try his hand at it. The way he uses/
sees magic, he sees no distinction between the separate elements - they are all, at their core, energy to be melded to his liking. There's a lot of room for creativity in this, but it does have its limits.
He does, however, hold a particular affinity for the element of ice.
He cannot heal himself or others using magic. Like. At all. The best he's got is a racial immunity/resistance to most poisons.
Personality: He's a bit of a mixed bag. A bit jaded, he may at times come off aloof or cynical. He's paranoid. Sometimes easy to irritate, as he tends to have difficulty when it comes to sleep. The whole 'incomplete memory' thing he's got going on may lend him a bit of an absentminded appearance now and again. It weighs on him a lot. He can be prone to waffling - sometimes he's blunt and to the point, other times he adopts the tendency to ramble. For the most part, he's a decent guy - he just needs to.. uh. Warm up to people a bit, first, is all.
Misc: Loves the cold. Thrives in it.
Misc 2: He's ace af. Probably heteroromantic, though, but eh.
Misc 3: Loooves green apples. And rare artifacts. And magic. And runes.
Misc 4: He's a damn good tailor.
So, this 'incomplete memory thing'… What's his deal? He's um. A bit lost. But that's not what he'll tell you.
He'll tell you he's on a quest, looking for a missing piece of himself.
Come to think of it, though, it's highly possible, if not more probable, that he'll tell you nothing at all. Ah well.
In actuality… Frey is three different versions of himself mashed together, but he doesn't know it yet. There's the Frey from the land of Daeluin (which… sorta imploded?), then there's the Frey from his original homeland of Cathro, and
then there's the Frey native to Revaliir.
Bear with me here, haha. So there's:
Daeluin Frey. Leader of the mercantile guild, Oasi de Colloquium. Fallen god of fate. The skeletal arm he bears is the result of a curse turned sour. DL Frey was a decent guy, almost charismatic, even! DL Frey was around 150 years old by the end of his run.
Cathro Frey. The last runeshaper. Carried his duty above all. Doomed to forever wander. Probably only around 80 years old, with a long, lonely road ahead of him.
Revaliir Frey. Fallen god (Puppeteer of Fate). Husband to the fallen goddess Nyasia (Laborer of Love and Stronghold of Strength), and father to Rhea, who later consumed her mother's spheres of divinity. Revaliir Frey was kind of a jerk to people outside of a select few. He would have been around ~1000 years old.
The dude who's currently wandering Revaliir is:
D. The Frey who's a mix of all of the above. He has no idea he's ever held the mantle of divinity (nor would he care either way, mind you – he shares all three's default disdain for deities). He has no idea he was married in one of his iterations, and no idea that in two iterations, he had a child. He is currently an amnesiac seeking to learn the truth of his past. But the closer he gets to uncovering it, the more confused and afraid he becomes.
He does not wish to face his fate. He does not wish to face his future.
What's an aerkai? Just think of it as a distant cousin to elves for the time being. Slightly pointy-eared n long lived, etc. Just not as pretty :d
Acquaintances, Friends, Family, Enemies, Et cetera:-Hagar– a disarmingly friendly dude. Hm. Could learn something from his shaman abilities (… and outlook on life, maybe).
-Xetera– seems kinda high-strung, but tolerable.
-Nelanna– she seems kind, easy enough to get along with. Hopefully she find what she's looking for in the end.
-Eira– wary, not sure what to make of her quite yet.
-Angela– wary, but hopeful. Meeting her seems to be stirring up old memories, for which he is both thankful and afraid.
Hasn't met yet in this iteration:-Nyasia– very precious to two previous Freys. Doesn't remember her yet.
-Rhea– his and Nyasia's daughter. Doesn't remember her yet.
-Levenn– DL/Cathro Frey's brother. An asshole of the highest degree. Only somewhat remembers him, and that's probably for the best.
-Reyviir– Levenn and Angela's son, Frey's nephew. Doesn't remember him yet, but knows of him.
-Aelwen– Levenn and Angela's daughter, Frey's niece. Doesn't remember her yet, but knows of her.
-Vyse– An old friend, a fellow leader of DL Frey's Oasi de Colloquium. Doesn't remember him yet.