All About Her
Full name: Angelique Katherine Vladimir
Age: Two Hundred Forty Seven
Appearance age: Twenty Six
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Alignment: True Neutral
Residence: Nowhere…Yet.
What Lies above
Human Form
Hair color: Brown
Hair style: Soft waves, always down.
Reaches to the middle of her back.
Eyes: Crystal blue.
Skin Tone: Soft Tan
Build: Slim; Slightly muscular.
Height: Five feet Six inches.
What Lies Within
Favorite Weapon to use: Katana
Personality: Strong, Stubborn, and Sassy.
Few get to see: Gentle, Caring, and Sincere.
Admirable Traits: Honest and Loyal
Negative Traits: Mistrustful of others, Unfriendly to some. Distant.
Interests: Hot baths, Fighting, Reading.
What Lies in the Past:
Angelique didn't remember her past for many years. Her memory was taken from her years ago and somehow she was turned into a human. The transformation had taken all her memories as well as her immortality.
The oldest memories she has is of her human life, her mother falling ill. She died when she was fourteen. Her father falling into depression. Getting drunk every night, and beating her. After a some years, she had found out that he could have been the cause of her mothers death. Confronting him about the rumors around the town, he had beat her. Beat her to death and walked away. She used everything she had left and crawled out of that forsaken house. A friend of hers lay wait outside. A vampire. He had changed her that night. And the next night, her first kill was her father's. She would always remember the fear in his eyes and the joy she felt when he was gone from her life.
The face of the vampire who changed her is still a blur in her mind, she couldn't even not even his name. She wears a stone around her neck that connects her to the man that became her father. If only she could remember his face again.
Years after, she met a young man named, Reaver. also a vampire like herself. She would never forget his name. She fell in love with him while being a vampire, and she loved him still as a human. The only man she loved in all her life. He tried so hard to get her to remember, she tried and only few memories of them being together came back. But she ran. She ran away from him and her life on Daeluin. It was too hard to try to be the person she was before. Nothing she did could bring back everything that was taken from her.
Leaving the place she used to call her home, she made her way to an island, she only heard about in stories. The trip to Revaliir took months by ship, but it was worth it in the end. Taking up residence in the town called Koschei. She lived a normal life. Got a job at the local inn as a waitress and lived just a few blocks away in her own home. But there was always something missing. She wanted more. She wanted to travel the vast land around her. She wanted to see Reaver again, but she couldn't go back. She wouldn't. There was too much pain she felt when she thought of that island.
After many years as a human, Angelique was approached by a hooded man. He was her maker from before, returned to his only daughter. He gave her the question he once asked before. "Do you want to live forever?" With a simple yes, she was taken into his arms and made a vampire again. To walk the night as she once did, to have the blood rush over her lips, to be a vampire once more.
But one thing was always missing. Reaver. The man she fell in love with. Will she search the ends of the earth for him or will she move on?
Her Maker:
Nikolaus Christofer ZweibrückenClickable Links:
Name of her Maker
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