Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Vilpamolan Coast > Pirate Haven of Vilpamolan > An Inn for Death (Open)
Thomas Laszlo

Character Info
Name: Langus Dalono
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Male
Class: Monk
Silver: 130
Langurs walked down the cobble streets away from the docks. The city ahead looked a fine place to rest for the night. His hood pulled up and his broadsword at his side Langus was prepared to meet the unexpected although he didn't expect to. The Suns ray's were slipping over the trees and rooftops just enough to bounce back off the waters behind him. A beautiful backdrop for the cities silhouette he thought. 

Entering the city was a new experience. Langus had recently been living in the middle of a forest. The ornate wooden structures, stone pillars integrated into beautiful architecture. The shabbiness was cloaked in darkness and the rank smell of rum. Walking down the streets he found out why the structures were so in need and yet this city was rumored as one of the richest. Rum. Many men were stumbling through the streets drunk, and far and few between looked sober. With so many innebriated Langus worried he might not find a suitable hotel.

"Pssst" Langus heard from behind him. He whipped around and put his hand at the ready on his longsword.

"I'm not actually near you," from behind again, "Throwing voices is a particularly useful bit of magic. Anyways, there is a decent inn to your right about two streets. Check it out and I'm sure you will find it exactly what you need." Langus searched around himself spinning in circles for endless minutes. He couldn't find a voice. He then resided himself to making the solemn walk through the drunk streets towards the rumored hotel. He Prayed to whatever God may exist that nothing happen to him on the journey to the hotel.

Langus, a studious traveler.

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
Vinsue was in human form as she always was in towns. She had come to the town for information for the info she wanted could only be found in the lowest of places. She was without a weapon in one of the bars when some drunk men laid their hands on her. She quickly turned and started to fight back. She was quick to doge and punch back and the fight lasted a good 15 minutes before she was tossed thew the already broken window. She landed on her side in the street informant of Langurs. 

She was cut in many places with blood coming from them. She slowly rolled over and tried to get up but fell back down with a scream

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Salby Pippins
Age: 20
Alignment: TN
Race: Hobbit
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Rogue/Thief
Silver: 190
Suddenly a young man came walking by, his name was Pippins; he was a common thief and had seen the women being beaten severely. "Oh dear." Pippins said as he rushed to the women's side and lifted her up in his arms. "You need a doctor?"

Character Info
Name: Inka Achomawi
Age: Appears "27"
Alignment: TN
Race: Ancient Human
Gender: Female
Class: Witchdoctor.
Silver: 569
Inka cared not for large towns and their strange inhabitants; but sometimes they were necessary. She had been unable to locate one of the tribes which roamed the plains. They had something she had wanted and yet because of her bad luck and obvious unfortunate tracking skills she somehow managed to end up here. She had stumbled into what she figured was something the people of places like this called a tavern. Her strange yellow eyes moved slowly from side to side gazing around the place, taking everything in. She noticed each of the patrons and the one whom had gotten into a fight. She was bleeding and another had rush to her side - Inka leaned against the door frame. Her hands lifted to grasp the bone pendent around her neck in thought.

to help or not to help? She was a healer of sorts, yet not usually a healer of the physical form however she had dabbled a bit in first aide and was rather handy when it came to surgical situation's. For now she decided to remain there, leaning against the doors frame - yellow hues watching what the one whom embraced the injured would do.

"Which doctor you expecting?" - Inka.

*Images are not mine.

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
She was not expecting help and at first struggled to get out of the man's hands tell she realized that he was trying to help. "I'll be fine" She said as her leg and other cuts began to heal. One of many tricks she had learned threw out the years. She wanted to get up and finish the fight with her signature move but it took a bit to fully heal. 

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
A few yards away from the commotion, the sound of a large object smashing into the ground was heard followed by a shrill shriek. There was a cheap wooden coffin lying in the middle of the street. The planks were cracked and badly damaged, and the metal chain wrapped around it was the only thing keeping it together. There were sounds of scratching and clawing as something was trying to break its way out.

Inside the coffin, Shiloh was in a panic. The last thing she remembered was being thrown into a pit and then feeling like she was falling. She saw the sides of the coffin were partially splintered, so she wouldn't have to worry about dying by asphyxiation anymore. However it was only a matter of time before the council of the magi would find her and she needed to get away as far as possible. She kicked the lid of the coffin from the inside, trying to widen the cracks in the planks. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Inka Achomawi
Age: Appears "27"
Alignment: TN
Race: Ancient Human
Gender: Female
Class: Witchdoctor.
Silver: 569
Inka had kept at watchful eye on the girl whom was being assisted by the man; after determining she would survive Inkas eyes were drawn towards another commotion yet this one was not inside but outside a few yards away. What on earth? Inka had pushed herself off of the door frame and made her way across towards the object that seemed to be laying helplessly in the road. When she got close to it she poked it with her foot - giving it a bit of a shove. Inka knew what this was, a coffin. Her people did not use such boxes but she had read about them while exploring different cultures.

So far there hadn't been a single full moment within the walls of this city. She was unsure how she felt about it - she hated always feeling guarded. Her strange yellow gaze was busy examining the box - she could tell something was in there and whatever it was, was making an awful lot of noise.

Inka moved so that she now stood basically on top of the box - throwing herself down into a squat she began to fumble with the chains. If she could figure out how to open it she would for curiosity was her biggest down fall.

"Which doctor you expecting?" - Inka.

*Images are not mine.

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
Vinsue got up and looked at how the woman was trying to open the box actually she thought it was funny. She whispered the words to the unlock spell before turning back to the bar. The lock popped open to her spell as she knew it would. She walked into the bar and looked for the men that had thrown her through the window. "Haven't had enough?" A man at the other end of the bar yelled. he and his buddies broke into a laugh than got up and walked towards her.

She dropped her hood and looked into the leader's eyes. She then took the energy in the air and turned it into electricity and shot it at the man. All five men dropped to their knees with a scream she smiled as she shot another at them. They fell to the ground and passed out. "You never mess with a Silvertail." She said as she took a knife from the nearest table and walked to the leader. She bent down and carved a backwards S with a tail into his hand marking that she had been the victor and would now be higher on the ranking list. She put the knife down and left the tavern. 

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.
Xavier Kit

Character Info
Name: Xavier Kit
Age: Looks early 20's
Alignment: CN
Race: Shape-Shifter
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue/ Trickster
Silver: 244
Xavier stumbled into yet another grimy street. She inhaled the putrid air favourably as it was the first time in months that she had smelt civilisation. She was not particularly keen on ships, and had only just made port. Her legs were trembling from phantom waves, not yet aware she was on solid ground. Up ahead she noticed some commotion outside an inn. She was drawn to the idea of folk-watching and perhaps a stout ale.
She approached the open doors, choosing to ignore the trouble outside. Her confident, prowl of a walk wavered every couple of steps as she felt the sea-sickness rising up with a vengeance. She pressed herself to the far wall and made her way to a dark corner, the inky gloom was comforting and the light of a single candle did nothing but reflect of her rosy-pink eyes. She looked around with a look of mischievous curiosity; after all, she had not travelled all this way for a quaint little village. She could taste trouble in the air.

'Manners matter. Good looks are a bonus. Humour is a must'

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
At the look the others gave her she walked off. She now wore her most classy outfit which she used as a sign that she was ready to start something. the coins that hanced from the bottom of her shirt and skirt set a rather nice clicking sound as she walked. she than realised she did not get to even taste her drink before the fight. she smiled as she saw an inn and knew that she could get a drink there.

As she walked in she readjusted the hood of her button up shirt to cover most of her white hair. she stepped in and quickly found a seat at a corner table to where she could see who came and gone. 

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

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