Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Corval Basin > Laeto Rainforest > Rain [P/R?]

Character Info
Name: Veda Ingrid
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Thief/Scavenger
Silver: 1680
Wrestling a crocodile was not her most brilliant plan. She had snuck up behind the cold-blooded creature and jumped at it's back. Her hands grabbed the area between the crocodile's jaws and front legs. When the demon landed, pushed downwards with all of her might to force its head into the ground. The crocodile's tough and scaly skin protected it from Veda's claws and teeth. The lower part of her legs pinned down the crocodile's hind legs to keep it from rolling. She attempted to lift the crocodile's head off of the ground, but it managed to slip out of her grasp and retreat back to the nearby river.

A disappointed look crept onto the demon's face as her wrestling buddy ran off. Now what was she going to do for food? Veda walked over to the river to see if she could find the crocodile again. Water flowed swift and strong through the wide river. The water was slightly brown from eroding the banks it usually passed by. Floating in the river, was a mixture of sticks and leaves. Veda stuck her foot in the water to test its temperature. Pain shot through her foot. Jumping away from the river, she looked down to her foot to see a little piranha had taken a bite. And was still holding on. Veda punched the side of the fish and snatched it. After eating the fish, she continued to venture through the Laeto rain forest. 

Thousands of noises danced in the air as though it was a symphony of invisible animals. The air was humid and spots of sunlight escaped through the tall trees, although the light rarely managed to hit the ground. She had been trying to get to a city. This was not a city. Was this all the world outside of Vilpamolan city had to offer? The beauty of the forests and fields she had seen so far was amazing, but wasn't there a place where a person could earn money? A sigh escaped the demons lips as she plopped down onto the floor. How long did she have to travel? Where did she even need to go? 

A drop of water hit her nose. Sounds of other droplets hitting the ground began to appear more frequent. In a matter of seconds, rain was pouring down as though the sky itself was crying. Perhaps the sky was crying but Veda was not. At the sight of rain, a smile had replaced that frown she once had. Lifting her hands to receive the cool rain, she began to stand up. Puddles of rain gathered. The demon jumped into one of these puddles, causing a massive splash. 

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
The worst part wasn't the rain, but the humidity. Here her resin-coated coat wasn't useful, she still felt the moisture inside her clothes even when there weren't showers. Laeto was full of horrible things that could and would kill you. But there was one thing that stood out to her above the rest. Forget natives who kidnapped women as brides, the leech-infested waters, the man-eating plants, and the occasional large snake who swallowed food whole. But the bees–the BEES. Wasps, hornets, whatever they were–they were huge and a stinger would skewer a man straight through to the backside. The only reason why she was here was to save money on import charges for materials that came at a high premium. Mahogany, cacao, and even wild bee honey from these giant angry insects. Economically speaking, honey wouldn't be so expensive if you farmed off these–if they weren't so bloody aggressive. 

Picking her way through the roots, she muttered to herself as she kept looking over her shoulder. The humid environment made this an insect breeding ground, and half the time she wasn't sure if she was hearing a giant bee or a loud mosquito. Naturally she stayed away from the water, not wanting to get bit in half. Starting fires wasn't easy here with everything so damp. Her little trinket of an instant hearth was a godsend, as she could get a few hours of dryness before sweating in her clothes. Keeping food from spoiling was a problem, mold would show up within days instead of a week. She had to hunt only when she needed to, and not leave any leftovers. Hoisting herself into a tree, she set up a patchy covering of wide leaves as a rain shield. Sleeping was just as uncomfortable as everything was too bleeding damp.

All she had to do was snag a few ripe cacao pods, a durian, and maybe a kapok sapling and call it a day. As for the honey, she'd pass. Like a wildcat, she was in a nice perch safe from land-bound predators. Still, it was too early to celebrate as the rumble of a storm came from overhead. The spell never seemed to fail so far, and with it she conjured some bread and warm soup in a metal mug. She had to move quick or else risk a night in the rainforest, with no protective shelter. The warm smell of potato chowder drifted through the muggy air with some resistance, thanks to the incoming downpour. If this didn't let up, she might have to use her ring of sanctuary just to escape the bad weather. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Garator
Age: ???
Alignment: TE
Race: Demonic Human?
Gender: Male
Class: Barbaric Warrior of Chaos
Silver: 0
Meanwhile as a Demon struggled with a crocodile and goddess of luck was suffering the brunt of bad weather's assault, a single man was traversing through the thick jungle, his opponent being the wildly dangerous flora. Seriously he couldn't take a single step without getting himself into a fight against some kind of flesh eating or just hostile plant monster. He was completely covered from head to toe in "plant blood", that smelled oh so sweet to every single living animal in the area, which only just added to the list of hostile life he had to deal this day.

After hours of wandering, fighting, running, screaming, kicking and bleeding Thomas has just gotten so tired he could barely move……… and then rain started. At this moment Thomas' strength had returned to him thanks in part to the fact the his blood boiled over, smoke came out of his ears and eyes turned deep deep crimson……..of course all of this is metaphorical and fancy way of saying that he was royally pissed of beyond belief.

His scream of utter pure rage could be heard in practically entire Rain forest, and it wasn't exactly a pleasant sound. No it sounded like a monster crawled from depths of hell themselves and started rampaging across the jungle while also cussing in tongues. Of course "The Tongues" was just common distorted by accent and mind-numbing rage. And rampage, while not harming any animal, certainly harmed much of flora, no matter if it was dangerous or not.

When it all ended Thomas Druh, was covered in blood, "plant blood" vines, bruises, cuts, completely shredded clothing and was calming down near a lake. He was so done with it and decided that with last of his strength he would voice his opinion on the matter in more comprehensible manner.

Character Info
Name: Veda Ingrid
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Thief/Scavenger
Silver: 1680
She traveled around some more, and came across something incredibly useful, then decided to go look for some wood. The world around her appeared to be soaked. However, appearances were deceiving. Using a sharp rock she had found, the demon came across a pile of fallen down trees. Lightning or wind must have made them fall. Although the demon hadn't heard any lightning yet. The demon went through the pile until she found the wood at the bottom. The wood at the bottom was the driest. Veda quickly hoisted a few chunks of the wood over her shoulder and ran off to the useful place she had discovered earlier. Eventually, the demon traveled out of the place and went back into the stormy rain forest.

Suddenly, Veda could hear shouting and screaming from a distance. A wise person would stay away. The demon went near the noise. Her curiosity drove her forwards until she spotted somebody. The scent of potato chowder hit her nose and made her stomach growl. Quietly, Veda began to climb up to the person perched in the tree. Maybe this was the person who had been screaming. Or maybe not. The demon decided to ignore this stranger and find the one that had been screaming. Dropping out of the tree, Veda began to use sound and scent to find this other person. Scent was difficult with the rain pouring down.

Soon she found a man covered in blood cursing and shouting. It was the same person from before. Veda's ears folded back as she remembered his attitude and behavior, even if she had tried to steal from him. All she had done was sit on him. He had pushed her off then became extremely upset. Despite the fact she hadn't harmed him, hadn't been rude, and even let him go afterwards. No…he didn't deserve her help.

Yet…he looked cold.

"Hey, do you need a shelter for the night?" Veda asked, "You look miserable."

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
The pitter-patter of the rain was punctuated by angry, frustrated screeching. So much for trying to get some sleep. Her food finished and the mug sent back home, part of her felt the urge to check where it was coming from. So far she'd been lucky to avoid a run-in with the kidnapping locals, but you never knew how close danger could be. But the other more bedraggled part of her wanted to stay put where it was relatively dry, not really feeling like spending another few hours drying out again. And after she had spent all this time making the rain cover too… Eventually safety concerns won out over inconvenience. She'd managed to stay alive by being safe than sorry, and she wasn't going to change that now. Putting on her resin-coated poncho and pulling it over her head, she spent a few minutes painstakingly teleporting from high point to high point until she was close to general location of where the screams had came from. Up in a tree, she gripped the dripping wet bark as she squinted her eyes.

There were two people, one of them not human and another who looked like a mess. She missed any conversation that might have happened before her arrival, the rain and ambient noise forcing her to block off her senses partially just to make sure she didn't teleport into thin air. No signs of a fight yet. Either way, someone was bleeding. The smell of blood was strong enough to know it wasn't old, relatively recent. The human out of the lot didn't match the description of the hostile locals she'd heard, but he could also be a complete madman who had finally succumbed to jungle fever. Damp, humid places like Laeto were a hotbed for all sorts of diseases–in the water, air, and mainly from insects. At least with the rain the insects weren't as bad, a small silver lining to a massive rain cloud.

So far they hadn't realized they were being watched, and she was going to keep it that way. The weather conditions weren't in her favor if they went after her with a projectile attack, and lightning magic was suicidal. As she continued to observe she identified the nonhuman as a female, and the bloody mess as a male. He really wasn't dressed for the weather, or anything actually. On second thought, he looked like he had just gotten mugged by a group of thugs and left to hobble his way out. Or he could have just escaped being eaten by various creatures due to his lack of attention. Seriously, why was a guy like him wandering out here anyway? 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

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